We've Been Tagged

One of my old friends, Kelly Errington, tagged us. From what we understand, the premise behind "tagging" is that we need to share 10 or so interesting, but mundane, facts about ourselves. Here goes...
1. Jason hates the penny and thinks that it should be disinvented.
2. Mariah has extremely high arches in her feet.
3. Jet's favorite activity is anything that his dad is doing with him, even if it's just putting on his shoes.
4. Kimber's favorite activity is snuggling. Mama's girl...
5. Mariah's first home was a La Quinta.
6. Jason loves to eat in bed.
7. We don't get television reception of any kind. We have TV's, but we use them to watch movies together as a family. It's one of the best decisions we have made, but our guests don't like it very much.
8. Jet loves to do puzzles, go to the Museum of Natural Science, go to the zoo, and ride his bike. We use the money we would be paying for cable TV for memberships to the zoo and museum.
9. Kimber is on an atkins diet. She will eat meat of any kind, she prefers steak, along with veggies - salad, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, peas...but she won't touch mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese.
10. Mariah hates pizza. Jason, Jet, and Kimber all love pizza.

1 comment:

Meg said...

that was fun to read! so you moved to Texas?