Kimber Turns Two

I kept waiting until we had Kimber's pictures loaded into the computer to blog about her second birthday. But, with another move, Father's Day weekend, and Jet starting school, I thought it would be better if her birthday pictures are to come. In lieu of her birthday pics, here are some snapshots of them laying around our new home...notice a common theme?

I got off work a little early on June 3, and we got balloons, a cake, & some fried chicken and took it to the house. We sat around munching, and we sang "Happy Birthday", which Kimber loved. Her daddy picked out the coconut cake, and it was the perfect size for the four of us with two little pink candles on top. On Saturday June 6th, Jason's parents, Joe and Mini Pyle, came over and brought some food from Black Eyed Pea. Kimber opened presents, and then got to take a ride in the pink Barbie jeep that her daddy bought her.
This brings up a couple of other updates...we moved. We bought a house in Kingwood very close to where we were living. Also, Jet started part-time preschool last week. He's going two half-days each week, and he's really having a good time.

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