Daddy's Day

Jet & Kimber have an amazing father. He wipes noses, and he wipes butts. He makes dinner & packs lunches. He gets up in the middle of the night to help Jet with his bloody nose & to hold Kimber when she's had a bad dream. He's put in the daddy hours of loving, caring, disciplining, and structuring. He's the one who helps Jet with his math homework and paints Kimber's nails when she wants makeup. He is dedicated to Jet and Kimber to the point of going back to school to get his education so that he sets the right example & can provide in the way he wants to for them.
This Father's Day, he had one request - let him study for 2-3 hours uninterrupted for his two mid-terms tomorrow morning. So, I did. That was his only gift. Then, he took the three of us to the pool to go swimming per Jet's request and grilled burgers for the family. It's not easy, I've never known anyone who's sailed through being a real daddy without a little bit of heartache & adjustment. But, he's a real daddy in a world where a lot of fathers have chosen not to be. One day, Jet & Kimber will come to understand how blessed they really are to have him.

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