Seasons Greetings from my nephew's laptop!!
During week 7, I got in four amazing workouts on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I incorporated additional cardio and ab ripper during the week. On Friday, we packed everyone up and headed out of town. We spent Saturday laying low and taking the day off recovering and then I had a hardcore workout on Sunday with additional cardio and abs. I avoided the "road food" on Friday by getting sick to my stomach when I smelled the McDonalds grease. I decided on an extra-large cup of coffee, and luckily I had packed a half loaf of whole wheat and natural peanut butter to sustain me.
I am very much enjoying this week and being near loved ones. We are catching up on conversations, going for walks, enjoying the change of scenery, and spending lots of time together while we're away from our studies and our normal environment.