My Vegan Journey

A week ago, I finally made the decision to move towards a plant-based diet. I've never been an animal-rights person, however I have felt for years that our bodies are not designed to eat meat or dairy the way we currently do in America. In the past, when I've been able to score a farm-raised, grass-fed chicken at a local farmer's market, I've paid much more than a pretty penny for it....and I should've....considering that I believe a rancher must sustain themselves financially in this mass-produced, highly-centralized food culture.

It seems to be really hard for the little guy.

I've blogged several times over the past few years on the benefits of a plant-based diet, and when I watched Forks Over Knives, that was just the little nudge I needed. My decision was gentle, natural, and part of my own self-care. Over time, I just feel like the cost has begun to outweigh the benefit for my eating meat and dairy. I love foods grown by the sunshine - I love the way that they make me feel, how they do no harm when I put them into my body.

So far, I've really enjoyed this decision I've made. I've found it to be cheaper and make me feel better because I believe I'm running on cleaner fuel. The only thing I've missed is my favorite enchilada cheat meal, but I think my cousin has a great recipe for a vegan version!

1 comment:

stephilderton said...

I've also got a great black bean version you can try if you're interested.

I don't think I could be a vegan. Soy and I are not friends and I require a lot of protein. I might be able to entertain pescetarianism, though.