To My Children On Mother's Day

I see myself in you.

When I was told that you were growing inside of me, I already knew that you were there. I could feel you.

I nurtured your body with mine. I gave up all of the toxins that I put into my body...that I shouldn't have been putting into my make sure that you grew with only the finest nutrients while you were inside of me.

You kicked my ribs. You stole my sleep. You wiggled when I drank a glass of milk and really moved when your daddy pressed his face into my belly and told you how much he loves you. I couldn't wait to see smell hold you in my arms. I couldn't wait to meet you.

When you were born, I continued to nourish your little body with mine. Nutrients poured out of my body. My immune system passed to you. You smelled so sweet. You knew my voice. You loved to nap with me. You nuzzled my neck and made sounds of joy.

I've watched you grow. I've nursed cuts and wounds. I've held your hair while you've gotten sick. I've changed your sheets at 3am, taught you how to go to the bathroom correctly, made sure that I cleaned the right shirt for you to wear to school. I've listened to your speech change, and tried to capture in my heart the way that you mispronounce words. I've made you eat your vegetables so that you grow with the right nutrients. I've held you while the doctor gave you your shots. I've felt my heart break as I've watched other children exclude you at the playground. I've held you when you hurt, I've dished out consequences when you've disobeyed. I've made flashcards for your reading words.

I've taken you for thousands of walks where we talk, laugh, grow.

You're destined for a life of greatness. You'll have the right education, you'll apply your knowledge. You'll understand your responsibility to make this world better.

One day, you will fall in love and they won't love you back. It will break my heart. Then, one day you'll fall in love and they'll take you away...that will really break my heart. You'll have a family of your own. You'll nourish your own children. You'll teach them well. You'll give them hugs and heal their wounds.

I see myself in you.