P90X: Week Eleven

I grabbed five pullups ~ YES!!

I assume that all holiday weeks will naturally be a little funky. The kids were off school this week, I had two tests and Jay had one. They ended up doing P90X with us several times, and we squeezed it in during the time of day when we could...sometimes in the morning, other times in the evening. We moved Wednesday's workout to Sunday....and so on.

By the way...Sunday is our new "day off" after the rearrangements we made during our Week 10.

We decided to take Thanksgiving day off. We spent time with family, enjoyed the traditional holiday food including pie and wine, and kept our portion sizes small. We chose not to have any of the day-after-Thanksgiving leftovers, though.

The morning after turkey day, we woke up and worked out first thing. Of course, I had trouble sleeping after two glasses of wine...I fell asleep quickly, but I woke up at 3 am and couldn't sleep for about an hour. And, my tummy was upset for the next 24 hours. I think we've just reduced our saturated fat so much in our daily intake that my system wasn't used to it. Even though I didn't have much, it was enough.

Overall, it was an awesome holiday week. We got in five workouts, partook in the holiday traditions, and ate clean the rest of the week.

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