P90X: Week Ten and P90X GIVEAWAY!!!

It was a very interesting week, and didn't go at all like I initially thought.

On Thursday, I did a modeling job for the new Kopoma hair relaxation treatment. I showed up at the salon and got shampoo'd in. As the relaxer was being applied to my hair, I learned that I couldn't get my hair wet for 48 hours from the time of application, including sweat. Well....that's not true... I could get my hair wet, but it would risk the long-term effectiveness of the relaxer. So, I had a choice. I could have the relaxer done, do the photo shoot, and continue with my P90X schedule, sweat and all. Or, I could choose to take 4 days off from my P90X routine...

I'm sure you know what I chose.

I didn't work out Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. On Monday, my body was ACHING for a workout. My sleep on Sunday night was crap because I yearned so badly for that stored energy to be expelled. I was moody...well, ok, more moody than I normally am.

After talking it over with Jay and making sure I was meeting his workout needs as well, we decided to postpone the start of Week 10 until Monday, 11/15. We also decided to tag on an additional week at the end, Week 14. So, instead of wrapping on December 9th, we'll be wrapping on Monday, Dec 20th.

As for the outcome of the hair? I've attached the marketing promo flyer for you to see (click on the image to enlarge). Amazing!! Soft, shiny, and healthy. I love it. If any of you are looking for a gentle, yet effective relaxer, I would highly recommend Patsy Franco and the Kopoma Treatment. It was so gentle that she didn't even wear gloves when she applied it to my hair!

AND for all of you who have read along with me while I've been doing P90X and want to join in....my P90X coach is having a P90X Giveaway so that someone can get their life back this Christmas.

1 comment:

Amie said...

OMG MARIAH!!!! Your hair looks amazing! awesome! Just submitted my email to Rhonda for the P90X giveaway...keep your fingers crossed cause this is the ONLY way that I could afford it for sure! :)