I've Done The Unthinkable

Many of you know that I swam for years competitively. It was the only sport in which I was any good, and thank goodness I found it at age 10...after I'd already realized I was a slow runner, had no hand-eye coordination, and my body dances as if I'm having convulsions. I'd love to have been that pretty ballerina. Nope.

So, swimming it was. One of the benefits, or drawbacks, to swimming is the amount of time spent practicing the craft in the wee hours of the morning. Seriously...crack-of-dawn...still-asleep-when-doing-flip-turns...5:30 am workouts three times weekly...year after year after year.

I swore off morning practices, and early morning exercise-sessions in general for years. So, last week when I found myself setting my alarm so that I could begin working out in the wee-hours, I thought I must've gone mad.

This semester is gonna be a little crazy, but that's okay. It's not forever, and it is manageable. However, my priorities, organizational skills, and study habits are coming to the forefront. I'm not willing to give up exercising, and I'm not going to have time to do it during the day. I'm not willing to sacrifice my evening family time or study sessions to exercise, so I'm getting up at 4:30 each weekday and joining the die-hards in the gym at 5. This past week was my first week, and I must say that I've gotta talk myself into it each morning when my alarm goes off, but it feels really good when it's done and I've showered, put on makeup & clothes, and am greeting the sunrise with a hot cup-o-joe. I finally feel as dedicated as my best friend who has had this workout schedule since we were 14 and on the swim team together....even if this is my schedule only for the next 4 months. It helps that I belong to an accountability group of women led by my P90X coach, Rhonda. I could also use your support, as well, because getting up that early is very difficult for me to do.

I wanna thank all of you who have voted for my hubby. If you still wanna vote, go here. I'm super-thankful. I hope that all your New Years workouts are coming along fantastic and you are making dents in your 2012 goals.

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