Smokin' Hot Mamas

"Why is there an unspoken rule that a good mother must be stressed-out, worn-out, and self-sacrificing to the point of losing herself along the way? As a mom, we hold our child's hopes and dreams in our hands. Daily, we are shaping their self-image, character, and childhood memories. With such a task, we often sacrifice our own happiness and health believing that's what a good mother does. But, how can you be the provider of a good self-image if you are unhappy with your own self-image...

...A Smokin' Hot Mama is a woman on a journey to discovering happiness, health, purpose, and a life worth loving. She recognizes she must care for herself in order to truly care for her family. She is not perfect, but she's getting better with each new day. She's rekindling her hopes and dreams and finding true happiness within. The SHM Club is a place to be encouraged along your journey to becoming your very best. So, if you're ready to become the best YOU, to live in happiness and purpose, we are here to support and encourage you. Let's find the Mama you have always wanted to be...together! Helping Mamas around the world smile, run, dance, and love life again!" ~ from SHM's Facebook site.

1 comment:

pamela said...

Thank you for this! Truly enjoying your blog and your fabulous words of truth and real life wisdom. So thankful to have you in the Smokin' Hot Mama Club!!!! Here's to becoming our very best . . . together!
Loving Life,
The PROUD Head Mama of the Smokin' Hot Mama Club