Week 1 Of Holiday Avoid-The-Poundage Blowout

I'm always amazed at the immediate results I see with this program every time I do it (this is my third round, although both rounds 2 and 3 were only 8 weeks instead of the full 90 days). Within just a few days, I see definition.

I'm also always amazed at how sore I get. Even though I'm a consistent worker-outer, this program just seems to kick things up to a different level for me. On Friday, I felt so hypoglycemic after the legs/back workout that I was unable to finish the Ab Ripper, and had to get some Gatorade in me along with a shower and a nap before I could do anything for anyone. That hasn't happened to me in a long, long time.

This week started off the event-full holiday season. On Friday, my husband was inducted into the Collegiate Honor Society. The thermostat went out, so we replaced that on Saturday. Today, Sunday, is my husband's birthday (and a cheat meal day...I'm baking a cake here shortly), and then tomorrow I've got an exam that I've been studying for incessantly. I didn't do Kenpo yesterday, and I'm thinking instead of replacing that workout with one of Tracy Anderson's today. They're both cardio and work the same muscle groups, I just don't know if I'm ready yet for the Kenpo. It's one of my least favorite workouts, and I cannot stand the warmup. I'll tack on the Ab Ripper from Friday to today's cardio so that I get it all in.

During this season of thanksgiving, I'm thankful for:
  • My husband. We've never hid our ups and downs, and we've made a great family together. I'm so very proud that he was honored for his accomplishments. He works diligently at school, and God granted us another year.I hope for many more.
  • Gatorade - the old fashioned, powder kind. A scoop of that into my empty water bottle allows me to mix it at the gym for a post-workout recovery drink.
  • Ibuprofen. I keep it in my locker at the gym and also in my book bag. An old lady needs her ibuprofen every now and then.
  • Tony Horton...who put down onto DVD what most collegiate programs were doing for strength and conditioning and marketing it for the average consumer.
  • ACDC, Kid Rock, Metallica, P!nk, Alanis Morissette, and every other artist that produced angry music that hits the lower two, most visceral chakras. They keep energy flowing during the really tough exercises. When it's time to hit the pull-up bar, I punch in one of their songs.

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