About This Time

Monday was Halloween.

Twenty four days later is Thanksgiving, and then after that it's Christmas & finally New Year's Eve. It's already started...first the Halloween candy-eating, then the pie baking, the stuffing recipes, Christmas Cookie baking, and it all gets topped off with champagne at the end....

...and a New Year's Resolution.

Every year about this time, I find it really tough to stay motivated. Why eat well when all of these once-a-year traditions are out and about? Candy corn won't be around for a whole year, so why not take advantage of it now? I cannot stand the taste of pumpkin pie, but heck....it's not Thanksgiving without one, right?

This year, I've decided to repeat some things that I know work well for me through this really tough part of the year.

1. Motivation
I started an 8-week round of P90X on Monday, October 31st. Every time I begin a new fitness regimen, I find that my motivation skyrockets. This is one of the reasons why I try to change things up every few months and do something new...it stays interesting. This year, instead of doing P90X at home, I'll be doing it at the gym.

2. Structure
I calendered my 60 day routine. Day 1 was Monday. Eight weeks later is Saturday, December 24th - Christmas Eve. I feel confident when I plan. I'm able to look ahead at the next week, plan my weeks out around responsibilities including schoolwork, the kids holiday school events, and finals. This season brings about so many events that I know flexibility is key along with structure, and that's where accountability comes in.

I also calendered my cheat meals between now and the New Year. I'm a big believer in cheat meals because without them, we feel deprived. Deprivation leads to binge eating, and that leads to shame. My cheat meals between now and the New Year include: Halloween night, my husband's birthday dinner in November, November Date Night, Thanksgiving Dinner, December Date Night, Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas (all day), and dinner on New Year's Eve. As we'll be heading out of town for the Christmas holiday, I know that last week of P90X is going to be tough so I'm planning ahead and making workout arrangements in advance. In keeping with P90X structure, I'll not be drinking alcohol during the 60 days with the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve. This is how alcohol sabotages weight loss.

3. Accountability
The person who has 3 sources of accountability is much more likely to be successful than the person who has none. So, I'm choosing once again to blog weekly regarding this end-of-year avoid-the-holiday-poundage blowout that I'm doing.
4. Reward
There's nothing like the pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow, but neither food nor days off should ever be used as a reward. Food is fuel, it's to be used as such. Days off are for rest and repair for the body and mind. One of my favorite health-promoting rewards is a good, deep tissue massage. So, that week between Christmas and the New Year, I'm planning on going and getting me some rubbing.

 Won't you join me and we can do this together?

1 comment:

stephilderton said...

Are you reading my mind? I started Weight Watchers on Monday. I am just tired of going along this journey with no accountability, and therefore, no results. I'm cheering for you!