Day Twenty-Eight: Alcohol

I love a good glass of wine, a nice bottle of tequila. I enjoy it when I recieve them as Christmas and birthday presents. However, drinking alcohol can be a hindrance to healthy living, and governing it should be done by anyone who consumes. It has addictive properties, can hinder the function of vital organs, dehydrates the body, amd very much inhibits weight loss.

A 4 oz glass of wine has on average 80-100 calories. Vodka and tequila have about 60 -65 calories per 1 oz serving. Margaritas, frozen drinks, and drinks made with juices can have anywhere from 350-700 calories per glass. They are usually loaded with sugar. We're supposed to be eating 400 calories per meal; about 1500 calories total a day. Two frozen pina coladas can run up to 1400's easy to see why alcoholic beverages can wreck the most strict of diets.

The presence of alcohol has also been shown to affect the REM cycle, changing both the amount and the restfulness of one's sleep. Every single time one drinks, the liver has to go to work. The job of the liver is to filter out the toxins in the we can only imagine how beneficial or detrimental it is to our body. It has been shown to increase visceral fat tissue, increase appetite, and reduce inhibitions so one is more prone to think, "Why not?" when confronted with a fork and a cheesecake.

I challenge you to think candidly about your alcohol consumption, and make any changes in consumption that you feel led to make.

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