Day Twenty-Two: Love Letters To Your Soul


You sabotage yourself. You judge others. You're emotional. You eat foods that make you feel lethargic, tired, cranky. You worry about what others think. You're out of balance, you ache desperately for more time with your children. You miss your husband and wish for a conversation with him like you used to have - two friends laughing, loving, enjoying each other's presence...


You are right where you are supposed to be. God is working in you and in others right now. Let it go.

You will have it. You will let it go, and one day you will have it. It will happen in God's time, not yours. You'll have the balance and energy you crave, the time and relationships you desire. You'll stop feeling shame over those areas of your life that you had no control over. You'll stop judging others for who they are as you begin to accept and love yourself for who you are. You'll be real, honest, and won't have to hide behind what you think that you should be.

Release it. God is asking you to stop clenching your hands around it and place it into His hands. Let it go. You are beautiful, you are loved, you are growing. Give Him this burden."

(one of Mariah's love letters from 2008)

Listen to yourself.

What do you say in the still silence of your soul? Are you kind and gentle with yourself? Do you love where you are in life? Are you enjoying the journey as well as the destination it will one day bring you to?

I challenge you to pull out the love letter you wrote at the beginning of this month. If you didn't write it, you can follow this link to the post. I challenge you to continue to write love letters along this journey. When you're having a rough day, when things aren't going as you'd expect...when you wish that the weight would fall off quicker...I challenge you to choose to respond differently than you've done in the past.

Respond with a love letter to your soul.

Accept yourself and your situation for what it is, realize what it is that you really want, and commit fully to enjoying the journey of moving in that direction.

You are beautiful, you are loved, you are growing. Give Him the burden.

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