Day Fifteen: Before And After Photos

Mariah Before (Top) and After (Bottom)

Jason Before and After

I bet that you haven't had any photos taken of you voluntarily that have revealed any kind of skin for quite some time.

Shame can do that to us.

We can lose perspective on our road to health. Once the temptations start to set back in, we can forget why we're not eating that chocolate birthday cake at the office party. We look in the mirror, and see the same thing that we saw yesterday...because weight loss is slow to come and our eyes deceive us. We step on the scale and wonder if the pounds will ever shed.

There are two things we should do to establish our benchmarks: Take measurements and take photos.

We are critical on ourselves, and often when we look in the mirror we see flaws, not progress. It seems narcissistic to take photos of ourself along this journey, but it's the only way to get an accurate picture of what we look like. The measurements also tell us a lot - where we're gaining muscle, where we're losing fat.

After awhile, our "before" photos no longer shame us, they motivate us. We can forget how unhappy and unhealthy we were. When we look at those before photos, it reminds us of where we were when we started. They motivate us to never allow ourselves to go back to that place again.

I challenge you to shed your clothing and take some photos now. You don't have to show them to anyone. I challenge you to continue to take photos of yourself every 30 days to document this journey. Not only should these photos show your body's transformation, but also the changes in your skin. Remember...young, clean, firm skin is one of the most amazing benefits of living a healthy lifestyle.

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