Day Thirty-One: Reflection

Thirty days ago, you made the decision to change your life.

It came in the form of a New Year's Resolution. If you're story is like mine, then your decision wasn't easy. It probably took a lot of pain to come to the conclusion that you needed to make some changes. Only you could make them. There was no magic pill, there was no immediate solution, and nobody in the world could do it for you. You started putting one foot in front of the other.

It is time to reflect on what you've accomplished thus far.

The journey is far from over, but it is time to take a moment to celebrate what you've done. Now is the time to 30-day photos. Now is the time to journal the difference in sleep and energy levels. Now is the time to re-examine choices, think candidly about food addictions, and consider when you're eating emotionally instead of for sustinance.

The hardest part is the first 90 days. We're already a third of the way there.

I hope that you never go back to that place where you were. I hope that you stay focused on taking care of yourself, regardless of how difficult it may feel at times. I hope you feel balanced, and if you don't, I hope that you begin to see a little clarity as to what is out of balance in your life.

Sometimes we have to give up some things to make room for our priorities that have been missing.

I challenge you to shed your clothing and take some photos. I challenge you to food journal. I challenge you to reward yourself with a massage, a facial, or some time away engaging in an activity you enjoy. I challenge you to take a moment, look in the mirror, and give yourself a big smile.

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