Day Thirty: Coffee Drinks

It seemed that at first there was one Starbucks, then there were millions. Coffee houses exploded across the US sometime in the 1990s. Who doesn't love a good cup of dark roast? The caffeine is like starch on a collar, immediate perk. It also has antioxidants that many experts say are good for you if consumed in moderation.

However, we've got major variations on coffee drinks now, and many of them should be treated as if they were dessert. Some have just as many calories and sugar.

Brewed Coffee: 5 calories
Cafe Americano: 15 calories
Cafe Latte: 220 calories
Starbucks Cafe Mocha No Whip: 290 calories
Starbucks Cafe Mocha Whip: 360 calories
Starbucks Cappuccino: 140 Calories
Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha Whip: 560 calories
Starbucks Vanilla Frappucino Whip: 430 calories

I challenge you to examine your coffee drink consumption, making any changes you feel led to make. I challenge you to try green tea as a great alternative.

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