Day Eighteen: Emotional Eating And Obesity

Obesity is defined as one with a Body Mass Index of 30 or higher. One can calculate their BMI with this tool. Not all emotional eaters are obese, but chances are that if someone is obese, they are probably an emotional eater.

I came across a Q&A with Trainer Jackie Warner that I found very insightful regarding emotional eating and obesity that addresses the mind/body connection..

"I worked with morbidly obese people on season 3 of 'Work Out' & continue to work with obese clients today. The physical work is not hard at all. It's the deep emotional work that is difficult. Obesity is a physical sign of a dangerous addiction. People literally eat themselves to death & poison their bodies. It can't be hidden and carries with it a great deal of self-loathing and emotional problems.

When I work with an obese client, we go back to their childhood & find out why they use food as a drug. Many painful memories & feelings come up that need to be worked through. I find a way to change the person's self-perception & their views of the world around them along with their body.

I set physical & weight loss goals. For example, I get them to set a goal of walking around their block every night 7 times or taking the 11 flights of stairs twice before each workout. Bigger physical goals are things like participating in a 3K. We go grocery shopping, and I teach them about healthy foods. We talk about how they feel while on their journey & how to change their relationship with food."

I challenge you to continue to think about your relationship with food, especially food that is bad for your health. If you find that you eat foods to satisfy emotional needs, I challenge you to journal your thoughts & feelings. If you are courageous, willing, and ready, psychological assistance may be needed to work through some of these issues.

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