Day Thirteen: Getting Over The Guilt

My biggest obstacle when I began working out and eating right was guilt. Most of it was self-imposed.

I left my home daily at 6:10 & didn't get back until almost 6:00 at night. My two children were very small at the time, and needed much more time with me than they were getting. My husband needed his wife. I needed time with my children, time with my husband, and time for my health.

There just was not enough time in the day.

How to we get fit when there are so many demands on our time? How do we keep from feeling guilty when we take time away from those we love to fit exercise into our schedule?

There are no golden eggs here, no secret keys that unlock the door. We try to minimize the time away through time-management skills. We work out for a shorter duration, if we have to, with an increased intensity. We utilize late nights, early mornings, and lunch hours where we can. We also remember all of the amazing benefits to us and our family that a healthy lifestyle brings...

We will live a longer, fuller life with our spouse. We will have more energy at the playground with our children. We will be less iritable at home, feel sexier for our lover, and cook healthier meals for the benefit of all. We also realize that everyone, no matter who they are, needs at least 30 minutes to an hour a day for themselves so that balance can be maintained and resentment and feelings of victimization don't set in.

Some choose a gym membership with childcare. Others workout after the kids have gone to bed. Some arise at 5am to sweat. There are those that walk during lunchbreaks.

If getting fit is really a priority for you, you'll be creative with it.

I challenge you to stop feeling guilty about working out, instead making sure that its at a time that is least intrusive on your schedule and other responsibilities. I challenge you to treat it with the priority it deserves.

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