Birthday Weekend Lowdown

I had an amazing weekend - here's what we did:

Friday, August 27th, I woke up to my 5 year old sleepy-eyed son telling me, "Happy Birthday, Momma" with a big hug and morning-breath kiss. So, so sweet. I opened presents - new Asics running shoes & P90X!! YES!! I had breakfast with my dad and my daughter, had a hair appointment for lunch along with some chocolate truffles, and had dinner at my favorite steak restaurant with my husband, kids, and dad. My sister waited on our table.

Saturday, August 28th, Farmers Market morning - my fav. I love how I know the person who grew my peaches, apples, and garlic. I image their love and dedication along with the sunshine growing the food that supplies our delicate bodies with the nutrition that we need. I went home and made eggplant parmesan for an early dinner with the eggplants I bought there. The kids threw-down. Jay took Jet to see Star Wars in the park while Kimber and I had a girls night.

Sunday, August 29th, Morning walk over scenic drive - they close it down for pedestrians every Sunday morning. We put Jet on his bike and Kimber in the jogger stroller & set off. Fun. That evening, we went to Jake, Isaiah, and Baby Jake's Bday party with a bouncehouse and a band. Amazing.

Tuesday, August 31st, My sister's birthday. We celebrated all three bdays (mine, my sisters, my step-sisters) with a family cookout last night at my step-mother's home. Brisket was on the menu, and I got to spend time with everyone.

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