P90X First Week

Well, we've completed our first week out of 13. I've got one word to describe it.....YES!!!

Saying that I'm liking the program is an understatement. I haven't even noticed missing cheat meals or alcohol. A few of the things I'm really enjoying:
  • I love the variety - it's something different every day, and the same workout isn't repeated for a week. The constant change up keeps me from getting bored or injured.
  • I love the intensity. Every single workout has me sweating from the end of the warmup until the last stretch.
  • I love exercising at home. Prior to this, I exercised at home only on the days I couldn't make it to the gym. I hop right into my cool shower, take my multivitamin, and feel like an energizer bunny for the rest of the day.
I lied when I said it's an hour daily. Its really more like an hour and a half. Yoga is 92 minutes once weekly, and three of the hour long workouts are followed by Ab Ripper which takes another 15-20 minutes. But, when you factor in that you're not driving to the gym, it's about the same amount of time spent daily. Here are some action shots:
Jet & Jay doing yoga. Yep, both JET and JAY are doing vinyasas,
the crane, and warrior. Happy girl, I am.

That's me towards the end of the plyo workout.

Jet striking a pose after plyometrics.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

I had no idea you were doing P90X! That is fantastic!!