P90X: Week Three

Week three down, ten more to go for my first 90-day round.

The third week was much better than the second. The biggest area where I noticed improvement this week was in my flexibility. And, I did my first unassisted pull-up...until now, I'd been doing pull ups with the assistance of a chair. Finally!!! Even when I was swimming at UH, I didn't do pull-ups without some sort of counterweight. I felt like a sloth every time one of the girls on the team would put on a weight belt to do her pull ups.

Week four is a recovery week. There are still workouts, but its more flexibility/yoga/core work, and less push ups/pull ups/traditional weight training. I'm looking forward to it.

Oh, and a shout out to Hiedi in SLC... Thanks for letting me know you're doing P90X, too!! And, we're on the same week - you go, girl. I can't wait to see your before/after photos.

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