Day Fourty-Five: Every Day, One Day At A Time

I saw the movie, Julie and Julia several weeks ago. The idea is that Julie is cooking her way through Julia Child's cookbook one meal at a time, one day at a time...365 days and over 400 recipes. She has a bad day at work, but it all seems to be made right when she combines egg yolks, sugar and butter with cocoa and condensed milk.

There's something to be said for that.

When we do something every day one day at a time, there is a certain sense of calmness in the predictable. This is especially true when the predictable is something we enjoy, something that is selfish even if others reap the benefits, and something in which we take solace. I feel the same way when I put my iPod & sports bra on or when I climb into my swimsuit & pull my goggles down over my eyes. There's just something about it that cannot be put into words.

Today is day 45, half-way to day 90. And, today is the last post I'll be doing for the 2010 Nutrition & Fitness blog for New Year's Resolutioners.

All of the material is here. Now, it's just taking it day-by-day, every day, one day at a time. You've got all of the information you need about nutrition, water, sleep, exercise, and balance - the 5 basics to losing weight and getting healthy. The first 30 days included all of the basics. The last 15 days focused more on the "why" behind weight gain and emotional eating. I also included more advanced material on vegetarianism, veganism, social eating, junk food & factory farming, and raw food fasting. There's also fitness & nutrition tips from the experts. My advice is for the next 45 days, repeat the posts in order until you've done them each twice.

The steps, as I found them of importance in my order:

#1) Stop doing the bad, start doing the good. Break the cycle. Eat right, drink water, sleep well, balance, learn how to feel human without bingeing or emotional eating.

#2) Get your needs met. Learn how to be selfish and why it's important. Learn that its okay, no matter how guilty you might feel at first. It will come to feel natural in time.

#3) Understand the science behind what you're doing and why. Educate yourself on what you should eat & why you should eat it. Understanding the science helps you to avoid fad dieting & horrible pitfalls.

#4) Take a deep, introspective look inside yourself to find out why you eat bad food, why you eat emotionally (if you do), what the triggers are, & how you can refocus, journal, and love yourself enough to make different choices.

#5) Quit vices that are bad for you. Tobacco, excessive drinking, and illegal drugs should have no place in your life.

#6) Learn how to forgive yourself & hold yourself accountable.

#7) Grow your network of people with the same goals. Ask them to go run with you, take new classes, learn new things. Surround yourself with people with whom you've got nutrition & fitness in common to stay in the right frame of mind.

#8) Understand it's okay to be afraid of success. Learn how to walk on the bridge.

#9) Be a real woman in a fake world. Encourage other women, let them know that they are worth it. Be direct, straight talk. Understand that we all have fears, insecurities, wants, & desires. We all need a sense of balance, even if what that balance means is different for every one of us. Refuse to play games.

#10) Turn every negative into a positive. Be thankful that you hit rock bottom, for if it wasn't for that, you wouldn't be determined. Love your body for bearing children, be thankful for your acid reflux, take every single insecurity and find something about it that you're thankful for. This is what takes us from a place of denial to a place of acceptance and gratitude. For, until we are in a place of acceptance, we are not yet growing. Send loveletters to yourself, make amends & be direct with others. When it's ugly, ask for forgiveness. Remember that you're beautiful & beautiful things are happening.

Do: Never give up. Wake up every morning and recommit yourself to living your life as fully as possible. Take it every day, one day at a time.

Try: Read The New Rules Of Lifting: Lift Like A Man, Look Like A Goddess.

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