Day Thirty-Eight: Mariah's Tips

I've posted some tips by some of the pros, but I'm posting some of the things I've learned through trial & error that work for me...
  • Never leave the house without food. Always have an apple in your purse, a stash of raw almonds in your car, something healthy on hand. You might be stuck somewhere when your blood sugar drops, & you should always have something healthy handy. It will also make your children good snackers.
  • Never leave the house without your water bottle. Again, in your purse or bag...
  • Pack your lunch for work or school. Craft calories account for empty calories, plus buying your lunch is expensive. When you've made your food, you know exactly what's in it.
  • Never have breakfast for a cheat meal...unless it's Christmas. When you eat poorly early in the day, you'll feel crummy all day long. On cheat meal days, eat your cheat meal for late lunch or dinner.
  • Take holidays off. The day of the holiday (Your Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter) try to mix in some good food, watch your portions, and enjoy some of the traditions...just don't go crazy.
  • Eat 5 meals a day...breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Meals should be 400 calories & snacks around 150 calories.
  • Eat a good breakfast that combines protein, fat, & carbs. Spinach omelette with fruit on the side, whole wheat bread with natural peanut butter, etc...
  • Listen to your body, not your taste buds. Learn to differentiate between the two.
  • When you see someone eating something that looks tempting, observe them for a couple of hours after they've eaten it. Don't indulge in it right away. Often, you'll find that they're complaining about the way they feel (tired, indigestion, headache). This is especially true at the office with chinese food, burgers & fries, fast food, and heavy meals.
  • Strive for all of your meals to have 3-5 distinct colors, even if it's just a sandwich.

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