Day Fourty-One: Skipping

You're super-busy, bustling around during your day with lightening speed. All of the sudden, you feel a hunger pang and realize that you've not eaten for several hours...

We all get moving too fast, but there's danger in skipping meals.

"All of my morbidly obese clients have one thing in common. They skip meals." Jackie Warner wrote in a recent article. This is dangerous because once you feel a hunger pang, you become a fat-storing machine.

We actually lose weight through eating. Why? Because when we eat something small & nutritious every couple of hours, we don't allow our blood sugar to drop. Keeping it even keeps our metabolism level and keeps us from generating cravings. Also, when we're hungriest is when just about anything will do, and we're most vulnerable to eating food that is bad for us. We also can get cranky or crabby when our blood sugar has dropped, & so do our children.

So, how do we make sure that we don't get caught without? When you pack your breakfast/lunch for work each day, always pack your snacks as well. Plan them out to equal 150 calories (a cheese stick and an orange, an apple with tablespoon of natural peanut butter, a piece of whole wheat bread & cheddar cheese) Always carry a couple of snacks in your purse or bookbag, keep raw almonds stashed in your car. If you get caught in a situation where you've got nothing nutritious, gas stations often carry almonds, fresh fruit, & bottled water. Just don't pull into that Whataburger.

Do: Make sure you've got snacks on board at all times. Keep a different variety that include both proteins and fruits/veggies as both are important.

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