Privacy Settings Update

Thanks so much for everyone's emails letting me know that you'd like to continue to follow the blog. I've heard from so many people I hadn't talked to in years, and I'll be getting back to everyone this week.

After attempting to make adjustments, I realized that there is a limited number of people who'd be allowed to access the blog, and each would have to have a blogspot account.

I decided to go a different route.

I created an online journal that is very private and specific for documenting Jet & Kimber Elle's growth and progress. This way, I can post photos and private comments without concern of who will be reading it. I'll continue to leave this blog public so that all can have access. I will continue to post occasional updates of the kids, but I'll be a little more discriminatory in that regard.

Questions I got:
-How can you tell what kind of traffic your blog gets? A: If it's a blogspot account, from the Dashboard access "Stats". You can see RSS feeds, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly traffic by country.

-How can I enable privacy settings? A: Go to Dashboard/Settings/Permissions.

-By the way, any photo you post on Blogspot can be used by Google BING if you've got a public blogspot account. Two of the main RSS feeds into this site were due to BING photos. One was the master bath remodel, and another were photos of Dubai. I did not realize this until I started following the Stats closely.