Day Fifty-Three: Education

When we're looking at buying a home, we begin using our noodle. We educate ourselves on the price per sqft in a given location by running comparables. We educate ourselves on whether or not we want an ARM, 30-year fixed, or VA loan to meet our needs. We run through a cost/benefit on how much we want to put down, whether or not we'll be paying PMI, what our monthly payment will be. Making the wrong choices for our needs and not knowing the advantages we have in the market could have serious consequences. We are smart consumers.

We educate ourselves.

When a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness, we run to google. We type in all of the key phrases that the doctor used to describe their condition. We become best friends with scholarly articles, know everything wikipedia has to say, and become a talking dictionary almost overnight. Not knowing what to expect can leave us feeling helpless and without control. We want to make sure we can support our loved one in a time of need, and we try to prepare ourselves for what we're up against.

We educate ourselves.

How important is it, then, that we educate ourselves properly on what we put into our bodies. More than a home, more than a condition or illness...our body is the one thing that we have that has to last us our entire life. If we take care of it, it will take care of us. There is a lot of bad information out there. There is also a lot of great info from very smart people who've done their homework.

I challenge you to educate yourself.

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