Day Thirty-Six: Having The Right Tools

We wouldn't expect a surgeon to perform great surgery without a scalpel, strong light, and a generous amount of antibacterial soap...a $100K education would also help. We wouldn't feel confident if a the person building our home didn't own a hammer, a tape measure, a calculator...and probably a good truck. Yet, when it comes to ourselves, so many of us go into the gym with equipment that is substandard.

If we take our health seriously and want to remain injury-free, it is important that we use the right equipment. Here are some imperative investments that I urge anyone seeking a healthy lifestyle to make.

Shoes - Shoes are super-individualistic. Every foot is different, if you don't know if you're a pronator or supinator, you need to visit a running store where they look at your wear from old shoes, watch how you walk & measure your width and arches. Good shoes aren't cheap.

Gym Membership - When I started out, I had a gym that included child care. It was the only way I could fit in time at the gym. It also had a spa, towel service, & an amazing pool for the kids on weekends. Now, I alternate between the campus gym and one at home. It's really great having both and getting to choose. Find one in the right price range in the right location - imperative.

Sports Bras - We all appreciate our "perk", so these are important. One can find quality sports bras for $16.99 at Target.

Water Bottle - It should always be nearby. I like ones that completely screw on, like a thermos. That way, there's no leaking when it turns over.

Blender - Blending fruit is a favorite way to eat it, especially in the morning with some protein powder. Juicing removes imperative fiber, however blending keeps it. You need that fiber. There's nothing worse than a cheap blender, and a good one costs. Here's the one I use.  Quality blenders last for years, so it's worth the investment.

iPod - What would we ever do without workout music? If music motivates you to burn calories, put this at the top of your list.

Massage - Massage is a favorite reward, especially early on. With a good therapist, its 60 minutes of pure nirvana. Massage Envy is relatively cheap, running about $45 for a 1-hour session.

Wrench System - I call this "wrench" because it's what happens when a wrench gets thrown into the mix. This is a home system for back-up when you can't make it to the gym for whatever reason. It includes weights, fitness magazines & DVD's with good workouts, a yoga mat, & a jumprope. Every piece of this can be purchased second-hand at garage sales or off of Craig's List. If you're doing a Beachbody home program, such as P90X, then this would be your primary system, not a backup.

Sunscreen - If you do outdoor activities like running or hiking, you need to protect your skin.

Flattering Workout Clothing - It's often hard for us to invest in something we're just gonna get sweaty, but wearing flattering workout clothing can be a source of motivation to get to the gym.

Personal Trainer - If you don't know proper technique, have never spent time in the gym, or think you know what you're doing, but really don't... a trainer can really help. They are experienced, licensed professionals.

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