Day Fourty-One: Jackie Warner's Fitness Tips

1. Be a smart consumer & read labels carefully. Fat free products are loaded with sugar. Fat does not make you fat, sugar does.

2. No overcomplicated diets. They have high failure rates because they don't teach you how to eat properly.

3. Never skip meals. When you start to feel hunger pangs, you become a fat storing machine. Eat 3 small meals & 2 snacks a day.

4. Don't juice. Blend fruit instead. Juicing takes out the fiber & leaves you with the sugary juices.

5. Sugar is the devil. Sugar throws our body into an immune suppressed, non-working state of chronic fatigue, depression, & hormonal imbalance. It is the leading cause of disease & depression in the US. To break the addiction, remove all refined sugar from the diet for 5 days straight, & have 2 cheat meals on the weekends.

6. Clean house to remove junk. Stop buying addictive junk food & then hating yourself for not resisting it.

7. Deprivation doesn't work. When beginning a diet, add healthy foods for the first two weeks. Your body will begin to naturally reject the bad food.

8. Crunches are a waste of time. If you carry a large amount of weight in your mid-section, you will just build muscle under fat, thus making you appear bigger. To lose belly fat, combine a healthy diet with resistance training.

9. Eat the good, then the bad, then the ugly. Good = fruits/veggies/lean protein, Bad=starches/bread, Ugly=dessert/alcohol

10. Satisfy oral fixation with herbal teas. Late night munchies? Brew a cup of decaf tea, it will satisfy that oral fixation.

11. Water helps you lose weight. Three liters daily doubles your energy, increases your metabolism, & clears your skin.

12. Eat whole, natural foods.

13. Don't be afraid to lift weights. Cardio is the slowest way to lose weight. Resistance training burns more calories & speeds up your metabolism.

14. ONLY do intensity cardio. Forget the heart rate monitor, unless you have a heart condition, your cardio should be intense enough to feel your muscles burning. Raise ramp to max uphill incline & do a slow walk for 2 minutes, then lower ramp & run hard for 2 minutes. Take 1 minute to bring your heart rate down. Repeat 4 times for a 20 minute session.

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