Day Fifty-Eight: Antioxidants

If we were to cut an apple in half and sprinkle one side with lemon juice while leaving the other side bare, we'd understand what an antioxidant does.  The side with lemon juice would stay crisp and retain its original coloring. The side without the lemon juice would get a little soggy and brown. The Vitamin C in lemon juice is an antioxidant.

Oxidation is a chemical reaction. It happens when a nail rusts. It happens when an apple browns. It happens in our bodies. While we absolutely need a highly oxygenated system, because oxygen is reactive, it can cause damage. It can harm the structure of cells, causing them to lose shape and elasticity affecting nerve functioning, accelerate aging, and cause changes in memory functioning. That is one of the many reasons why our bodies need vitamins...vitamins from our foods. So where do we find them?

In plants.

Plants have an amazing ability to synthesize their food, vitamins, and enzymes. Most dark fruits contain antioxidants in high quantities...blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, and plums are all high on the list. Pinto beans and black beans are also high in antioxidants as well.

I challenge you to examine your antioxidant intake, making adjustments where necessary.

1 comment:

Esther said...

This is very cool, Mariah (for the last 2 posts on your 90-day commitment I've read). Thanks for the info and inspiration! x, EB