Day Thirty-Four: Changing Your Environment

We've been at this for over a month. That's a long time to stick to a New Year's Resolution. Fantastic job!!

It's now time to take a more discriminatory look at the environment surrounding us. Do you have a snack pantry full of unhealthy items that call your name? Is your refrigerator stocked with junk? Do your friends have unhealthy habits? Have you made friends with your aerobics instructor?

You have a light inside of you that has been trying to shine. The cholesterol surrounding it has been dimming it for awhile. It's time to let it glow.

Our environment has a huge impact on us. It is imperative to reduce or eliminate items surrounding us that tempt us. It's also important to be around people who encourage us in our healthy habits. There are many dieticians, personal trainers, fitness instructors, & running partners out there.

I challenge you to join a running group, meet people in your aerobics class, or go to a Farmer's Market. I challenge you to talk to your weight instructor - they're human & like having friends. I challenge you to expand your environment to include other people who are in the right frame of mind. It will encourage you, it will hold you accountable. I challenge you to invite some of your friends with not-so-healthy habits to join you in your next workout.

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