Day Eighty-Five: Love Your Liver

The liver is an amazing organ, and we often abuse it without knowing it. It is an organ that cannot be replaced, and we cannot live without. It has many different roles...

Detoxification - As nutrients are absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream, the very first stop is the liver. The liver filters and detoxifies the blood before it goes to the heart, lungs, and the rest of the body.

Glycogen Storage - When we eat carbs, some is metabolized into glycogen which is primarily stored in the liver. Glycogen is one of our body's sources of energy.

Digestion - The liver secretes a vital fluid called bile that our body needs for proper digestion.

Blood - The liver plays a principal role in the decomposition of old red blood cells being taken out of circulation by the body.

Can you imagine such a vital organ going into failure? Because of the liver's role in detoxification of blood, toxins such as alcohol, drugs, and medications enter the liver first. When we've had too much to drink, our body lets us know it by responding with fatigue, headaches, even vomiting. When we combine medications with alcohol, this can have a serious effect on the liver, and prolonged use of drugs or medications can damage our liver. Some physicians require ongoing liver testing each quarter while certain drugs are prescribed.

The Mayo Clinic suggests that signs of liver problems include skin/eye discoloration or jaundice, abdominal pain and swelling (the liver is located on the right side just under the rib cage), dark urine, pale or tar-colored stools. People who are at risk tend to be those who drink alcohol frequently, have jobs that expose one to other's bodily fluids, have diabetes or obesity, have unprotected sex, or work an environment with chemicals or toxins. People who've had tattoos or body piercings should ensure that only clean materials are used and testing is done a few months after the tattoo/piercing to spot any health concerns immediately.

As I write this post, I know of two friends of my family that have died this past year of liver disease. Each time I take Tylenol, I think of whether or not some water and a good nap wouldn't just work better. After understanding the importance of this vital organ, it should make us think about our choices before just popping in a couple of pills and washing them down with a swig.

I challenge you to love your liver. If you take care of it, it will take care of you.

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