Day Seventy-Seven: The 80/20 Rule

In one's home, 80% of the wear is on 20% of the carpet.
20% of the people in the world own about 80% of its wealth.
Project managers spend 80% of their time and resources handling 20% of the work.
80% of sales come from 20% of the sales force.
And, any people manager will tell you that 80% of their headaches come from 20% of their staff.

The 80/20 phenomena is so often true that it is taught as part of management curriculum in several Fortune companies in Corporate America.

When special occasions roll around, I think of the 80/20 rule. When birthday parties, valentine's day, or any other time of the year when I walk through a grocery store checkout aisle and see, "How To Eat Right Through The Holidays" splashed on the cover of a popular magazine. I think to myself....

..its not what we do during the holidays.

If we ate right 80% of the time, the other 20% would be called cheat days. If we exercise 80% of the time, the other 20% would be called our off days. If we're consistent about 80% of the time, the other 20% seems to fall into place.

I challenge you to think about the 80/20 phenomena. Do you eat right 80% of the time, or do you eat right 20% of the time?

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