Day Seventy: One Day At A Time

I once saw the movie, Julie and Julia. The idea is that Julie is cooking her way through Julia Child's cookbook one meal at a time, one day at a time...365 days and over 400 recipes. She has a bad day at work, but it all seems to be made right when she combines egg yolks, sugar and butter with cocoa and condensed milk.

There's something to be said for that.

When we do something every day one day at a time, there is a certain sense of calmness in the predictable. This is especially true when the predictable is something we enjoy, something that feels selfish even if others reap the benefits...something in which we take solace.

Me time.

I feel the same way when I put my iPod & sports bra on or when I climb into my swimsuit & pull my goggles down over my eyes. There's just something about it that cannot be put into words. We don't have to take over the world. We don't have to figure out the master plan for the rest of our lives. We only really have to take each day one day at a time...enjoying each moment.

I challenge you take each day, one day at a time.

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