Day Sixty-Three: Getting Rubbed

I find that people either seem to love massage, hate it, or are somewhat afraid of it. There are multiple health benefits that come from regularly getting rubbed.

Massage is the manipulation of both superficial and deep layers of muscle and connective tissue to enhance physiological functioning and promote balance and well being. It dates back to prior to 460 BC when Hippocrates wrote, "The physician must be experienced in many things, but assuredly in rubbing."

Lymph and blood need to move through vessels in our body. Both are involved in our immune system. The movement and increased circulation that these systems experience when muscles and tissue are manipulated can help improve our immune system functioning. Massage greatly contributes to tissue repair and regeneration, improved flexibility, reduced tension headaches, and reducing both stress levels and chronic joint & back pain.

When one leaves the massage, they often experience a sense of nirvana. There are theories that suggest that the body's natural endorphins are released during a deep tissue rub. It has also been suggested that fatigue and anxiety are both reduced, and concentration and sleep quality are both improved.

For many who are trying to change their habits, getting a massage regularly as a reward can be a great motivator for staying on track. The chocolate cake doesn't look nearly as good when one has to consider giving up that weekly massage for it.

I challenge you to try a massage.

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