Day Eleven: Motivation

It's not about how you look...or is it? We all want to live a healthy, happy, balanced life. That is exactly what we are striving for. However, when it comes to motivation, is there anything more motivating to a woman than to positively change the way we look?

Today is day eleven, which means that half of the New Year's Resolutioners have already begun to taper off, the gyms are starting to slim back down to the dedicated few. Right now is when all the bad food at the office your coworkers are eating starts calling your name. Right about now is when it gets difficult. That's why we need to inject some motivation.

Go buy that swimsuit now, make it the expensive one...the really hot one that you think you cannot afford. Splurge a little on yourself, put it somewhere where you will see it every time you pull on your workout clothes between now & bikini season.

Sign up for that 5K, 10K, or triathlon now. Stretch might not be for 3 months, but it will kick your butt into gear to train harder & eat nutritiously. Find a running partner to hold you accountable between now & the race.

Find a picture of you at the weight you used to be, or a pair of jeans you can't wait to be able to get into. Figure out what it is that motivates you & use it to influence your mind in the right direction.

Do: Go buy that outfit, swimsuit, pair of jeans now. Hang it where you'll see it & try it on frequently. Sign up for a local fun run that is 2-3 months out, make sure you pay in advance. Read your love letter to yourself, remind yourself why you made this commitment.

Try: Ezekiel Bread - Located in the freezer section of the grocery store, this organic sprouted wheat bread is made from 6 grains & legumes, which form a complete protein that parallels the protein found in milk & eggs. I like to toast my Ezekiel Bread & eat it with Earth Balance Buttery Spread or natural peanut butter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I also like to eat the Ezekiel cinnamon/raisin bread, toasted, with half a serving of local honey on it. It helps curb my sweet tooth the local honey helps with allergies!