Day Thirty-One: Reflection

Thirty days ago, you made the decision to change your life. It came in the form of a New Year's Resolution. If you're story is like mine, then your decision wasn't easy. It probably took a lot of pain to come to the conclusion that you needed to make some changes. Only you could make them. There was no magic pill, there was no immediate surgery, & nobody in the world could do it for you. It is time to reflect on what you've accomplished thus far.

The hardest part is the first 90 days. Experts say that it takes 30 days to make something become a habit. I think that when it comes to life changing experiences such as this, it probably takes a little longer to get it ingrained. It wasn't until day 90 that it felt natural for me.

You went from denial to acceptance. You wrote a love letter to yourself accepting all of your faults & giving thanks for everything - the good, the bad, and the ugly. You've been educated on how to buy foods, how to cook nutritiously, and you had the opportunity to cook a meal with 5 distinct colors using no canned vegetables. You learned about the importance of water, & how much is enough without going overboard. You learned what inputs you need to obtain deep, natural sleep & why rest and repair days are so important. You learned about what sugar really does to your body, and how to engage in cheat meals if you're a sugar addict. You learned why you shouldn't ever allow fast food to enter your body. You learned about guilt, getting your needs met, & realizing that you are worth every minute you spend on yourself. Most important of all, you learned how to listen to what your body is asking for & started giving it the natural solution it is requesting.

I hope that you have found these last 30 days to be amazing. I hope that you've seen a difference in the way that you eat, drink, sleep, look, and feel. I hope that when you step on the scale, it shows you to be 4-5 pounds lighter than you were a month ago. I hope that people comment on how good you look, how clear your skin is, how much you glow. I hope that you've found a support network of people with the same interests to help keep you in the right frame of mind. I hope that you've been able to find a place to find local produce and unadulterated meat.

I hope that you never go back to that place where you were. I hope that you stay focused on taking care of yourself, regardless of how difficult it may feel at times. I hope you feel balanced, and if you don't, I hope that you begin to see a little clarity as to what is out of balance in your life.

Do: Take some pictures of yourself, read your love letter, write a love letter, reflect on what you've accomplished. You're beautiful, & beautiful things are happening. Smile.

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