Day Ten: Balance

I went on a walk once about 7 years ago with a lifetime girlfriend of mine. During our walk, we were discussing our work/life balance. She made a statement that has stuck with me ever since. "I understand that work is a really, really important component for people. But, it's only one component in someone's life and for so many people, their entire identity is wrapped up in their job. They neglect their families, their friends, themselves..." This friend of mine has her doctorate degree & is one of the most dedicated people I know - to her job, to her family & friends, to her patients, and most herself. She's also the best multi-tasker and manager of time I've ever seen. She can accomplish a task the right way in half the time others take to do it with less success.

We chase something, and life passes us by. It could be a paycheck or a lifestyle. It might be the respect of our peers, a promotion, the gratitude of our's an issue when it absorbs time, energy, and priority from other important areas of our life that receive a deficit of attention. It throws us out of whack, and there are negative consequences for this.

Being healthy & happy is really about bringing ourselves back into a state of balance. When we haven't been getting enough physical activity, nutrients, and water, our body shows it. Our skin gets muddled, our muscles become flabby, we have indigestion, we have difficulty sleeping. Sometimes, we even begin to get sick - heart disease, onset diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome...

However, we can also overdue it in the other direction, too. Not only do we need cheat meals to make us feel like we're not deprived, we also need rest & repair days. Too many days of rigorous physical activity can lead to injury and fatigue. Just like we need time away from work to get re-energized, we also need time off of physical activity. It's a constant state of determining what your priorities and needs are, and learning how to accomplish them in a healthy way that restores that sense of balance and harmony.

So what is the right amount of work & play, exercise & rest? Our body, mind, and soul tell us...if we listen.

Most people need to work out in some form or fashion 4-6 days weekly. Sometimes, after 3 or 4 days, what we may need is a good yoga session instead of a run or weight session. Why? We need stretching, mind-body connetion, relaxation, & flexibility. Sometimes, we need a good deep-tissue massage. Why? Massage has an amazing effect on the body. It helps get rid of lactic acid buildup (soreness), improves circulation, and brings oxygen to the muscles. It also works out negative energy. My favorite reason is that I find it to be 60 minutes of pure nirvana. There are days when work requires so much more attention, and that's long as it doesn't become the only component. Sometimes, we just need a day off of everything, & that's okay, too.

Do: Listen to your body, mind, & soul. Figure out what your needs and priorities are, this requires self-awareness & you may need to do some journaling. There are times when you need to push through, and there are times when you need to stop. Take some time to really listen & pay attention.

Try: Try a yoga session and a massage.

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